Art & Culture / Viewing Assignment

Please choose ONE of these options to attend and view. Write a short reflection on what you found most inspiring or compelling about the cultural experience.
(~200 words) Due at the final exam, in the google folder. YOUR CHOICES:
1. Attend at least 3 galleries during the Downtown Arts Walk 5-8pm on Friday April 26. Where did you go, What did you see, Why did it intrigue you?
Full list of galleries and venues found here:
2. Attend the reception for the Annual Student Exhibit in the Tweed Museum, 3-5pm on Sunday April 28. Write about at least 3 works in the show that interest you: Who, What, Why?
more about the exhibition and the student work:
3. Watch : Digital Nation on PBS Frontline
Watch the full documentary, write a short reflection on how your personal life is impacted by pervasive technology and any resonance or surprise you found in the video topics… LIVING FASTER  / RELATIONSHIPS  /  WAGING WAR /  VIRTUAL WORLDS  /  LEARNING
Digital Nation on PBS Frontline (viewable online)

Spring 2019 Digital Narrative Project

This week we move from Pre-production into image development and completion. Use your pre-production design plan to guide your work with an eye to unity and surprise.


as PRINTS + DIGITAL Versions in jpg or png format

Mood Board (11×17 horizontal)  (only digital)

Pre-Production Design Plan w Storyboards (11×17 horizontal) (print + digital)

Post-Production  (all images on one 11×17 horizontal) (print + digital)

10 Images (print + digital in size and media of your choice)


Fairy tales and Myths can provide a rich starting point for a digital media project. Passed down from oral storytellers through literary traditions to new media, they are always altered by retelling to reflect the needs of the storyteller and the aesthetics of the time. Because the story is so well known, it can be altered significantly and still remain resonant and recognizable to the contemporary audience. In 10 images, tell a a very old story in a new way. 


Digital Art Mixed-Media Students: Narrative Project 

This project will be the focus of our work in April. First 2 weeks on pre-production tasks of storyboarding and design plan. Then working toward a series of cohesive images that contain both visual unity and surprise.


1. Select Story (fairy tale or myth)
2. Break down the story into 10 key moments (thinking about how you will be updating it for the digital age)
3. Do thumbnail sketches of storyboards (two times!) to quickly work out ways to compose your 10 images
4. Do an 11×17 digital MOOD BOARD, filled with inspiration images for your digital narrative, story, visual style, media, techniques, colors, textures…

Please Create your own folder… NarrativeProject_YourName

DIGITAL FILES Uploaded to folder  by FRIDAY APRIL 12:

Pre-Production :

• Mood Board (11×17 horizontal)  

• Design Plan w Storyboards (11×17 horizontal) 

• jpgs of 10 storyboards

Examples of Pre-Production Design:




 Link to powerpoint:


Move from Pre-production into image development and completion. Use your pre-production design plan to guide your work with an eye to unity and surprise.


Examples of Post-Production Prints:


NarrativeKARAPEARSONPostProductionPlease follow directions below when you turn in all work on Digital Narrative Project for grading. (See grading rubric ) Please check that all your work has your name on it AND digital versions are uploaded in your own folder, inside the google drive folder for your class. If you are unsure of what goes on the pre-production and post-production 11×17 prints, please look at the examples above / or in the project powerpoint or ask! 

1 – Pre Production : 11×17 horizontal print of  Design Plan / Storyboards

2-  Post-Production :  11×17 horizontal of All 10 images on one page  (quality jpg, png)

3-  10 Individual images (as pngs or jpgs) Final Format: 10 images …paper prints, book, posters, or other mixed-media. Your choice on scale and media. Please tell me in advance if you need extra time to get the printing done.

4-  Any extra images of final format or process work (if you want to show more rough work)

5-  Reflection ~150 words (use format below)


Your name

Your story title

AND your short reflection on the project… (~150 words)

Reflect on your creative process…What drew you to this tale? How did you update this tale for the digital age? What was the inspiration for your visual look or clues to your visual treatment of this old tale. What techniques or tools did you use to create your own version of the story?

Mailbox >Re-Mixed-Media Valentines

Digital Art students are taking a little detour in the remix project, in response to the confession that many students today are inexperienced with using the US Postal Service. So, we’ve been making some remixed valentines, some digital and some in mixed-media. This week everyone is mailing at least 5 valentines via snail mail… and bringing another 5 to share in class. (of course, we are having a party on Feb 14!)

And do a little research about the history of the heart symbol… if you can!


You might listen to this podcast “WHAT IS THIS THING CALLED LOVE” while you work… (with some illustrations by Joellyn Rock)



Some believe the symbol is connected to the ancient use of the Silphium Seed in herbal treatments…


Project 1 : Climate Remix

Spring 2019 > Over the next month Digital Art students will experiment with ideas and methods of REMIX via collaborative image making on the theme : Climate Remix.


Step one will be creating a class imagebank on google drive. Each student will contribute at least one unique image to each of the 10 categories in the Climate Remix Imagebank. (Abstract, Biological, Botanical, Elemental, Maps, Migration, Seasons, Toxicity, Weather). 

All the images must be original, and at least half of the images should be created by hand, via traditional art processes like drawing and painting. The other half of the images can be photos or digitally generated images. We will use this project to explore various uses of remixed imagery: for prints, installation, projection, animation and mixed-media works.

Remember: each image you upload into the imagebank must be yours to share fully with the rest of the class, and that they have the right to use and alter creatively.

Please title each image to include your name: Category_YourName.jpg   Flatten files and export as jpg or png for the imagebank. If possible, please keep resolution good  enought for printwork, but no RAW files.

Tuesdays we will work digitally, Thursdays we will use mixed-media materials. Back and forth, we will mix traditional art with digital techniques. Plan to work fast and light, generating plenty of versions of your remixed collage works. Come prepared to work and play!

MORE INFO ON COPYRIGHT / CREATIVITY This project stresses the shared-use of imagery, as another way of understanding creative property rights and the creation of public domain content.

More info at:

Wanna Work Together? from Creative Commons on Vimeo.

View More about Remix Culture blog: