Aaron Koblin on Digital Revolution

Interview with artist, designer and leader of Google’s Data Arts Team…

He has worked on digital media experiments like:
Light Echoes https://vimeo.com/74013667
Traces of light are broadcast onto landscapes by a moving laser aboard a train.

The Johnny Cash Project (2010) directed by Chris Milk. Creative Director Aaron Koblin


Fairy Tale Films / International Fairy Tale Filmography

The International Fairy Tale Filmography is a searchable online database of Fairy Tale films, originated by Jack Zipes, Pauline Greenhill and Kendra Magnus Johnston with the help of a technical team at the University of Winnipeg.
Search the database of films with Fairy Tale themes:
(official launch is in August)

What makes a fairy tale film?

Fairy tale films are both versions and adaptations of traditional/oral and/or literary fairy tales; animated or live action, they draw on characters, titles, images, plots, and motifs of fairy tales.

Jack Zipes defines a fairy tale film as “any kind of cinematic representation recorded on film, on videotape, or in digital form that employs motifs, characters, and plots generally found in the oral and literary genre of the fairy tale, to re-create a known tale or to create and realize cinematically an original screenplay with recognizable features of a fairy tale”

The Path / Red Riding Hood game



An ancient tale retold in a modern medium. Bring each of six present-day red ridinghoods to their grandmother’s house at the other side of a dark forest. The path is straight and safe. The woods are wide and bewitching and teeming with terrifying treasures. A wolf waits there for every girl.


Tale of Tales is a videogames development studio, founded in 2003 and run by Auriea Harvey and Michaƫl Samyn out of Belgium. View other games:


Digital Narrative Assignment / Summer Session

Fairy tales and Myths can provide a rich starting point for a digital media project. Passed down from oral storytellers through literary traditions to new media, they are always altered by retelling to reflect the needs of the storyteller and the aesthetics of the time. Because the story is so well known, it can be altered significantly and still remain resonant and recognizable to the contemporary audience. Please select a story so old that it likely began in the oral tradition, rather than as a work of fiction by an individual author.

Powerpoint slides introducing Digital Narrative ideas :

Please post to the blog here:
Your name / Your story choice / + How you may break down the tale into 10 key moments
What draws you to this tale (characters, setting, action, images)?
How will you update this tale for the digital age?

Your visual design plan should include:
Title of story, main characters, key plot points, narrative arc or transformation. Show inspiration for your visual look, a color palette and texture or clues to your visual treatment of this old tale.

What visual qualities will unify your images? What digital tools and techniques will you use? Will you use any mixed media? What is the final size, media and format you want to create?