Digital Narrative Project / Spring 2020

Fairy tales and Myths can provide a rich starting point for a digital media project. Passed down from oral storytellers through literary traditions to new media, they are always altered by retelling to reflect the needs of the storyteller and the aesthetics of the time. Because the story is so well known, it can be altered significantly and still remain resonant and recognizable to the contemporary audience. In 10 images, tell a a very old story in a new way. 

This project will be the focus of our work over the next month. First 2 weeks on pre-production tasks of storyboarding and design plan. Then working toward a series of cohesive images that contain both visual unity and surprise. Stay in touch on Zoom for class each Tuesday. Thursday class is a work day, but I will be available on Zoom for feedback or questions.

Beginning STEPS (Week 1)

1. Select Story to work with (It must be so old that no one knows who told the first one, this could be a fairy tale or myth from the oral tradition. )
2. Break down the story into 10 key moments (thinking about how you will be updating it for the digital age)
3. Create 11×17 digital MOOD BOARD, filled with inspiration images for your digital narrative, story, visual style, media, techniques, colors, textures…
4. Do thumbnail sketches of storyboards (two times!) to quickly work out ways to compose your 10 images
5. Create strong storyboard images for each of your story moments.


Digital Art + Culture > B L O G 

Fairy Tales