Shakespeare Remix Project

Over the month of October, Digital Art Mixed-Media Students are working on the Shakespeare Remix project, experimenting with several formats for remixed art and generating multiple versions. (See below for full checklist of project parts.)

Please: As you create versions of your Shakespeare project, upload them to the folders on google drive to share with the class. Students may choose to remix from each other’s work… as part of this exploration of the remix aesthetic and attitude. (as discussed in: Rip! A Remix Manifesto). Some of your images and animations may be remixed into the video projections for the “Remixing Shakespeare” Low Concert on Saturday Oct 22 (please try to attend!)  at Karpeles Manuscript Museum.

Find the Folders on Google Drive to upload your files as you finish versions… Always title files with PROJECT NAME + YOUR FULL NAME… so that they are easily located for grading! Log on to your own google drive to find these folders inside the class folder… Ok?

Remix Project Checklist / Folders:
1. Shakespeare Collage Squares Share versions of your square collage here, including a photo of the canvas mixed-media for Duluth Art Institute Exhibit. If you forgot to shoot a photo of that… Go to the show and snap a photo there! Please upload only jpgs or png files to the google drive. 
2. Shakespeare Animations  Share 1-2 versions of your photoshop animation, (exported as a .mov or .mp4 file)  If you need help with animating in photoshop, ask in class or do a tutorial online. There are many additional tips about using photoshop to animate + edit movies. Have fun. I love what I see in the folder already! (Due Oct 11)
3. ShakespeareRemix_1920x1080   IMAGE MASHUPS!
(Upload at least 10 images to folder by Oct 13, continue uploading remixed images and more versions throughout the month) By the end of Oct share 10-20 versions, exported as image files (png or jpg) of ways you are playing with and remixing the Shakespeare theme. These can be new versions of collages you have already started, exported stills from your animation work, tests for your mixed-media transfers, OR mash-ups that integrate images by your classmates. The goal is to see MANY tests and mashups, try experimental compositions, take some risks, create more empty space, try new colors, change contrast, scale relationships. Borrow from this folder to remix each other’s images too!
4. Shakespeare Mixed-Media Choice
The final step in the Shakespeare Remix project is to create a mixed-media work in a very physical format. This can be a 3d object inspired by a prop in a play or an upcycled wearable work inspired by the Shakespeare Costume exhibit. It could also be an altered book, integrating collage materials of many kinds. Be inventive with materials and techniques. Use mixed-media Thursdays to test image transfer onto wood, glass, metal, ceramics…  Be resourceful about finding cheap, second-hand, or free materials for this project to save money. (DUE Oct 25)
The Shakespeare Remix project will be done at the end of October. Upload finished versions as they are done to show your progress along the way. Grading will include ALL work on the project, to be graded at the end of Oct.